Thursday, 27 February, 2025

Yoav Shai

October 3, 2023


הנס פאלאדה - לבד בברלין

Every Man Dies Alone

Despite its somewhat childlike writing, Every Man Dies Alone conveys the lesser-known story of the German people in one of the darkest periods of history.
ונדיקט ירופייב - מוסקבה פטושקי

Moscow to the End of the Line

Beneath the drunken exterior, the book 'Moscow to the End of the Line,' hides a harsh critique of the Soviet government and society of the…
ניק קייב - מותו של באני מונרו

The Death of Bunny Munro

Nick Cave writes books the way he writes songs - dark, gloomy, and on the edge, and even if the protagonist of his book is…

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