Thursday, 27 February, 2025


חמישה-עשר מעגלי החיים הראשונים של הארי אוגוסט - קלייר נורת'

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August

Harry August lives his life repeatedly in an endless loop. Will he succeed in saving the world from the impending destruction? A brilliant modern fantasy by Claire North

the ocean at the end of the lane

The Ocean at the End of the Lane

In one of the best novels he ever wrote, Neil Gaiman is examining our childhood memories and their darkest secrets in a both touching and eerie way.

American Gods

As he tours around the remote corners of the United States, Neil Gaiman is presenting his darkest book so far, does so in the special way only he can.

מגזין הספרות "מחסום כתיבה" נותן לכם את הספר "מחשבות סרק של הולך בטל" במתנה

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